Sunday, July 09, 2006

To add a clownfish or two

Anemone doing good...eating well....settled into a nice spot and now...clowns! Went to Ken and Linny's (Aquareef Aquarium Design) to pick up a pair they have been holding for a few weeks....they are listed as Black Perculas but don't fit the profile. Oh well, Ken has looked it up...maybe when we get them home we'll post it on and and see what they have to say. Acclimated the clowns (they are so damn cute!) and in they go....kind of swam around a bit...spotted the anemone and bingo in they went! Hosting away. YAY. Have eaten and are looking good...can't say the same for the Chromis but.....oops.


Blogger Lunchbox said...

what's wrong with the chromis?

11:34 p.m.  
Blogger Sarah said...

Let's just say "Psycho" didn't make it...don't know why, just know that he didn't. Everyone else in tank is all good.....

11:35 p.m.  

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