Monday, July 03, 2006

Carpets do NOT belong in powerheads!

Bit of an issue with our carpet in the tank we were holding it in until this tank was ready (I know too soon to add an anemone but what else could we do?!) has 2 powerheads in it...and what does he decide to do? about powerhead doesn't work. It was a scary day....we turned off the powerhead...a fair bit of him was in there through the screen and let him deal with getting out...every now and then we would baste some water over him to help and keep muck off him...and after 9 hours he was out....WHEW! So at this point we run to get long round sponges to cover the screens with so this doesn't happen again and then make a decision....there is not enough light in this tank so maybe that is why he was going to the top...who knows. His clownfish is in the sump (female died on the drive home...there should have been WAY more water in her bag but Patrick didn't think about it...almost lost the male but after some dicey time and lots of prime and o2 put in he pulled through). We were going to wait for quite a long time to transfer him to the new tank as the recommendation is not to put an anemone into a newer tank (recommended that the tank be mature ie. 12 months or older) but after the powerhead incident and not enough light we made the decision to move him .... take our we do you move a nasty sticky anemone? Ask Larry how they feel attached to your arm?! Sandwich baggies on and here we go....long acclimation to be sure of no shock as he has had enough...and in he is. We'll update as it happens!


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