Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rusty Triggers lead to Coris bullets....WHAT?

Ok, you have waited long enough! I will end your waiting....the new additions are......................the only one who would not hold still for pics is the Coris Wrasse...a cute little fella...but FAST!
#1 - Female Blue Throat (or Blue Chin) Trigger
#2 - Male Blue Throat Trigger
#3 - Group Picture
#4 - Rusty Angel
#5 - Coris Wrasse

Monday, August 21, 2006

All eating, did I mention ALL????

All new additions eating AS WELL AS the rabbit!!!! Eating like a pig, back up to the fork to eat from it, eating algae from the clip, picking at live rock!!!! Looks like he just might bounce back! The newbies are all eating too! Will scrape the glass and take some pics. The tank is almost full now....and all there is is 9 fish! Now I have your interest peaked I am sure! Got a really good trade credit from Hidden Reef in Abbotsford for the Purple Tang (he will kill no more fish! At least not in our tanks!) so used it wisely and made some hopefully good choices! A bit of an aggressive tank but not too bad!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Came home, acclimated all the newbies (photos and details to come!) and the rabbit is still with us!!!!!!! YAY! Maybe he just needed a break from eating (don't we all sometimes?!)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Still nothing and on our way

The rabbit is still not eating. We have tried it all and have had no success....he doesn't even seem to pick at things anymore. I have no idea what the heck happened but I guess nature will take its course. Sucks though as I really really like this fish and he did so much work on the algae in the tank. When we get back I do assume that we will have a dead or almost dead rabbit fish. I left instructions on feeding while we are gone, and maybe with no stress around the tank he will pick up and eat. Doesn't seem to have lost much weight which makes me think that he must eating something. Good luck Mom and Rick with the tanks!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hunger Strike?

The Rabbit fish has gone on a hunger strike...he went from eating everything and anything from a fork, spoon, or from the algae clip to nothing, zilch, naada. Don't know if it is because the CBB died or? They were good buddies and swam around a lot together...now what??? Have tried to soak Nori in garlic, selcon, neither/both, every type of frozen and flake foods......I guess only time will tell. Pysire on Canreef bought one at the same time I did....his is still doing well. Let's hope

Friday, August 04, 2006


If that doesn't make you wonder....sad sad day, our Copperband Butterfly died today. How sad. He was such a beautiful fish! Don't have a clue what happened just that he is dead...almost makes you want to cry.